Are you looking for a great portable air tank? If you are, then it is likely because you have a lot of uses in mind for one. That is not surprising, as a lot of people are in that same boat. The only problem though, is the fact that they are not sure what option to go with.
There are several styles available, and knowing which option is best for your applications will save you a lot of frustration and money that you don’t even need to spend. So be careful about that.
The first thing that you need to know about the different portable air tank options is that there are plenty of manufacturers to choose from. You can get an awesome Campbell Hausfeld hot dog model, though they are usually the most popular. You can also get one form Performance Tool. They offer a nice 5 gallon option for only $25. It is hard to beat that. Shinn Fu Co. has been around for a long time and they offer a nice 125 psi portable air tank for less than $30.
You have to keep in mind the fact that the PSI is not necessarily the way to tell how good of a model you have. You need to pick them based on a lot of things. Air compressors are the same way. If you find a nice gas powered Dewalt model for sale, for example, will you hold out until you can get a fancy electric model from Rhino Parts? If you do, you’ll be waiting a long time because they usually cost about $60. You can get a portable air tank for less than that, but it will not have a 5 gallon capacity.

Portable air tank by Husky
What you are going to find is that even after you read all the reviews and ratings of every single unit online, what is important is getting the type that works best for you. After all, what good is a fantastic cheap deal if you cannot rely on your equipment to always work? That is why it is a good idea to never spend more than you have to. You will be glad you heeded this advice, because replacing an air compressor portable is an annoying task.
Be smart, and you will end up with a very useful tool. Be hasty, and you will wish that you had gone with a different unit. At the end of the day, you will be glad you invested in one at all, because they literally have hundreds of applications.
Below you can find more information about existing models of portable air tanks by Husky.